Tours doppia-vecchio-stile
Our tours
Why take a tour with us?
Choose from our extensive list of guided, sightseeing and family tours. We are currently present in Milan, Venice and Verona and will soon open new opportunities in other Italian cities.
Safety first
We work every day and put the safety of our customers first.
The best guides in the world
Our guides are the best in the world, passionate about their work.
A unique experience
We will engage you in this adventure in a way you have never experienced before.
Our Tours
Come and discover for yourself the quality of our tours and choose the one that best suits your needs between Milan, Venice and Verona.
Milaning Navigli
- Tour: Wonders of Navigli: tradition, history and fun! - Meeting point : Piazza Sant'Eustorgio - Days of the week: Monday to Saturday - Timetable: 16:30 - Duration: 1:30h
Venecing Centre
Venice Centre Tour: Visit with us the beating heart of Venice. - Meeting point : Piazza Sant'Eustorgio - Days of the week: Monday to Saturday - Timetable: 16:30 - Duration: 1:30h
Venecing Magia Castello
Magic of Castello Venice Tour: This history-laden district is undoubtedly a hidden gem. - Meeting point : Piazza Sant'Eustorgio - Days of the week: Monday to Saturday - Timetable: 16:30 - Duration: 1:30h
Venecing Oculta
Hidden Venice Tour: These districts are characterised by narrow streets and picturesque canals. - Meeting point : Piazza Sant'Eustorgio - Days of the week: Monday to Saturday - Timetable: 16:30 - Duration: 1:30h
Eternal and Romantic Veroning
Hidden Venice Tour: Explore the enchanting city of Verona with our exclusive tour. - Meeting point : Piazza Sant'Eustorgio - Days of the week: Monday to Saturday - Timetable: 16:30 - Duration: 1:30h
We are working to give you the opportunity to get to know one of the most beautiful and authentic cities in Veneto. Soon we will be ready to take you to meet TREVISO
What's Included
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Phasellus sit amet enim feugiat, dignissim sem et, tempus sapien. Mauris leo.
Phasellus sit amet enim feugiat, dignissim sem et, tempus sapien. Mauris leo.
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Phasellus sit amet enim feugiat, dignissim sem et, tempus sapien. Mauris leo.
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We offer tours of new and old landmarks & attractions in New York. Experience the best parts of this wonderful city "that never sleeps" with fun for the whole family!